Frank Splain | Product Manager, Smart Edge Devices
IP cameras powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) analytics are one of the latest technological advancements to hit the video surveillance industry. Machine learning algorithms help to instantly detect people, objects like vehicles and more. Let’s explore how video analytics have evolved over the years, from first-generation analytics, like video motion detection (VMD), to simple video analytic tasks and now AI.
Today, a powerful new digital technology is emerging - Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Previous waves of digitalization have delivered ubiquitous broadband, internet access for billions of people worldwide, mobile connectivity, and the Internet of Things (IoT) which has opened the door to a wealth of data and information. Now, by creating a real-time dialogue between people, things and information, we are entering a hyperconnected era where AI can be applied in real, everyday business situations. |
February 2024
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